
PDO Threads in Dallas, TX

PDO Threads

PDO Threads are an innovative, non-surgical treatment designed to lift and tighten sagging skin. Utilizing Polydioxanone (PDO) sutures, which are safely absorbed by the body, this procedure offers a subtle lift to the skin without the need for invasive surgery. The threads are introduced into the skin’s layers, providing an immediate lifting effect and promoting collagen production for longer-lasting results. Common areas treated include the face, neck, and jowls, but it can also be used on the body, such as the abdomen or arms.

Ideal for individuals seeking a more youthful appearance without undergoing surgery, PDO Threads offer noticeable results within a week, with the full effect visible in a few months. Typically, results last six to 12 months. If you’re looking to achieve a refreshed and rejuvenated look, book your appointment at Lily Med Spa today.


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Benefits of PDO Threads



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Most adults who wish to address sagging or loose skin without surgery are good candidates. However, a consultation at Lily Med Spa will determine individual suitability.

After receiving PDO Threads treatment, some lifting effects can be noticed immediately. The full results, boosted by collagen stimulation, emerge over the following weeks to months.

Results from PDO Threads typically last between six to 12 months, depending on individual factors and the area treated. Over time, the threads dissolve naturally, but the collagen production they stimulate can offer lasting skin improvements.

There’s minimal downtime, with most patients resuming normal activities within a day. There may be some mild side effects, such as swelling, bruising, or tenderness, but these subside quickly.

Before the treatment, avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements. After the procedure, avoiding strenuous activities and excessive facial movements for a few days is recommended.

During the PDO Threads treatment, the targeted area will first be numbed to ensure comfort. Fine needles are then used to insert the PDO threads beneath the skin, providing an immediate lifting effect. The procedure is relatively quick, typically lasting under an hour, and any discomfort experienced is minimal.

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